Zepter Hotel Palace was built in 1933 and from that period until today it is one of the most beautiful buildings in Banja Luka. It was recently renovated and a completely new concept including a new dimension of hospitality was established.

We were honoured to be engaged as a part of the team that have worked on new concept design. We have created new business cards for employees and various business units within the hotel. Our team of designers have worked on new menu and cocktail card design. We have also designed new drink menu and wine card.


Zepter Hotel Palace was built in 1933 and from that period until today it is one of the most beautiful buildings in Banja Luka. It was recently renovated and a completely new concept including a new dimension of hospitality was established.

We were honoured to be engaged as a part of the team that have worked on new concept design. We have created new business cards for employees and various business units within the hotel. Our team of designers have worked on new menu and cocktail card design. We have also designed new drink menu and wine card.